Big Night
5:00 PM17:00

Big Night

High school and Middle school students, BIG NIGHT is happening Sunday, March 9th at 5PM at our Lithia Springs Campus, and were kicking-off March Madness. We will have a half court, three point, and free throw contest where you can win up to $100. We’ll also have FREE food and an amazing worship experience. — So Invite your friends and we’ll see you there!

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Community Night
6:00 PM18:00

Community Night

Community Night happens every Wednesday at 6pm for both campuses. Community Night is a night for the whole family, with FREE dinner and discipleship classes for all ages. It’s a great time to grow in our faith and grow in community! We’ll have different groups available for the whole family. Invite a friends and, join us as we seek God together!

AW Campus meets at 289 Riverwood Way, Dallas Ga, 30157

LS Campus meets at 6650 N County Line Rd, Lithia Springs Ga, 30122

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12:30 PM12:30


Belong is a great way for those new to the church to get connected! We’ll provide lunch and childcare (5th grade and under), and you’ll get to fellowship with other newcomers to Seven Springs and the church staff. You’ll also hear about the vision of Seven Springs, and get the chance to have your questions about the church answered.

Our next Belong lunch, will be held Sunday, March 23rd after the 11AM service at our Lithia Springs Campus, and following service at Acworth.

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Young Adult Nite
6:00 PM18:00

Young Adult Nite

Young Adults ages 18-30, we invite you to join us for “YA Nite” at our Lithia Springs Campus. We’ll have FREE food, a $110 value giveaway to the “Porsche Experience” in Atlanta, an amazing worship service, and an opportunity to grow in community with other Christ minded young adults. - So invite a friend and we’ll see you then!

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Women's Event
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Event

Ladies, on Sunday March 30th, we’ll be having a women’s event at our Lithia Springs Campus at 6pm. We'll have a night of powerful worship, hear an inspiring message, and you already know there will be delicious food and FUN! Invite your mom, daughter, sister, and friends and we’ll see you then! 

Childcare will be available through preschool

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Men's Event
6:00 PM18:00

Men's Event

On March 2nd, we'll be having a Men's Event at our Lithia Springs Campus at 6pm. So invite a friend and come hungry for delicious food, fellowship, and a special worship service! Click the link below to register TODAY.

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Young Adult Small Group
to Feb 28

Young Adult Small Group

YA small groups is a community of young adults ages 18-30, who are growing in community and learning more about God together! We will have two groups available, one on Monday night and one on Friday night at 7pm! Be sure to sign up for a groups through the link below, and for more information.

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Date Night
6:00 PM18:00

Date Night

We are hosting a Date Night for all married and engaged couples on Sunday, February 16 at our Lithia Springs Campus! It’s going to be a romantic night with good food and lots of fun! Tickets are $20 a couple - click on the link below to purchase!

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Water Baptisms
9:00 AM09:00

Water Baptisms

Baptisms are happening Sunday, February 16th after the 9am and 11am services at our LS Campus and after service at our Acworth Campus! Learn more about baptisms or register now by clicking the button below. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

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Impact Conference
to Jan 29

Impact Conference

  • Seven Springs Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’ll be closing out the month of January with our Impact Conference! It's going to be a powerful time with amazing guest speakers: Bishop Randy Coggins II, Bishop Kevin Wallace, Pastor Javon Rouff, and Bishop Jim Bollin. We hope you can join us, as we are expectant for a move of God. 

Sunday Night at 6pm

Monday- Wednesday begins at 7pm

Childcare will be provided (nursery- kindergarten)

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Hope for Christmas
9:00 AM09:00

Hope for Christmas

HOPE For CHRISTMAS provides HOPE to families in need during the Christmas season. We believe every family should be able to celebrate Christmas and we want to do our part to make that happen! We will be providing a Christmas Party where kids meet Santa, participate in fun activities & visit the Secret Santa Shop, where they are able to select gifts for their families. Parents are provided with gifts to give their children on Christmas, along with food supplies to enjoy a delicious Christmas dinner as a family!

 To help make this a successful event for our community we need YOUR HELP!  We have opportunities for the whole family to serve and help us spread the LOVE, ACCEPTANCE & FORGIVENESS of JESUS!

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At the Movies
to Dec 1

At the Movies

Our "At the Movies" Series will be happening Sunday, November 24th and December 1st! These Sundays are always a lot of fun for the whole family, with characters, movie snacks and more! During this series, we use a clip from a movie and connect it with a truth from the Bible! This is an amazing time to invite friends and family, to one of our campus homes with you!

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YA Friendsgiving
5:00 PM17:00

YA Friendsgiving

Young Adults ages 18-30 years old, join us Sunday, November 17th at 5PM, for Friendsgiving! We’ll eat dinner together, play games, grow in community, and have fun! Invite your friends and we’ll see you then! You can sign up below for the address.

You can click on the button below to sign up to bring a dish! We’ll be providing the meats, (fired chicken) and feel free to bring board games!

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Fall Fest: Acworth Campus
12:00 PM12:00

Fall Fest: Acworth Campus

Fall Fest is happening on Saturday, October 27th from 12-2pm, at our Acworth campus! It’s going to be such a fun night with Free Food, Inflatables, Games, Costume Contests and of course CANDY! You can help make this day the best it can be, by registering to volunteer. Click on the link below to see how you can be apart of the fun!

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Fall Fest: Lithia Springs Campus
4:00 PM16:00

Fall Fest: Lithia Springs Campus

Fall Fest is happening on Saturday, October 26th from 4-7pm, at our Lithia Springs campus! It’s going to be such a fun night with Free Food, Inflatables, Games, Costume Contests and of course CANDY! You can help make this day the best it can be, by registering to volunteer. Click on the link below to see how you can be apart of the fun!

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Fall Retreat
to Oct 6

Fall Retreat


Middle School and High school students, fall retreat at Camp Legacy is happening soon! It’s going to be a great time of worship services with guest speakers, games, dance parties, horseback ridding and so much more! The cost is just $100 a student that includes a free shirt, stay, and free food. Spots are limited and a $50 deposit is required so be sure to register and pay today!

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YA Hangout
6:00 PM18:00

YA Hangout


Young adults ages 18-30, join us for a night of fun at the North Georgia State Fair. Entry is free for all College students with student IDs - so invite a friend and we’ll see you there. You can register below to join in on the fun.

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Vacation Bible School
to Jun 21

Vacation Bible School

Our 2024 VBS is happening June 17th -21st at our Lithia Springs Campus. It’s an amazing time for your completed Kindergarten through 5th grade students, to not only have lots of fun, but also learn more about Jesus! Registration is just $50 per students and includes, LUNCH, snack, t-shirt, crafts, bible teaching and so much MORE!

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Men's Hangout
1:00 PM13:00

Men's Hangout

On June 15th, we'll be having a Men's Hangout at our Lithia Springs Campus from 1pm-3pm! So invite a friend and come hungry for delicious food, fellowship, a cornhole tournament, and more! Click the link below for more information and to register TODAY!

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Summer Camp- High & Middle School Students
to Jun 14

Summer Camp- High & Middle School Students

  • Google Calendar ICS

High school and Middle school students, Summer Camp is happening SOON at Camp Legacy! It’s going to be such a fun time with cabin wars, actvities, worship, special guest speakers and MORE! The cost is only $200 and includes all activities, food, merch, stay and more. Payment plans are available with a $50 deposit due by May 12th. Be sure to register below to join in on all the fun!

High School Camp: June 10th-14th

Middle School Camp: June 17th-21st

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Next  Level Summer Camp
to Jul 12

Next Level Summer Camp

We’re so excited about the start of Seven Springs, NEXT LEVEL CAMP. This Camp gives kids ages 7-12 the meaning of ALL DAY FUN and learning! Camp is the perfect mix of skill based, sports, arts, stem, and more! Camp will be two different weeks from June 3rd-7th July 8th-12th & students have the opportunity to come to both weeks.

Spots are LIMITED, so go ahead and register your student for just $175 (PER WEEK) TODAY!

Choose “NEXT LEVEL CAMPS“ when registering to pay!

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Graduation Sunday
9:00 AM09:00

Graduation Sunday

Are you a graduating high school or college student? If so, we want to honor you on May 19th during the 9am & 11am service at Lithia Spring and during the 10am service at Acworth for Graduation Sunday! We will be bringing a group of graduates up during each service for recognition and prayer, and to give you a free gift! Please register TODAY by filling the form below so we can prepare for you!

We will be doing a senior hangout at Top Golf Atlanta on Tuesday, May 14th. You can also signup below to attend.

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YA House Party
7:00 PM19:00

YA House Party

Calling all Young Adults ages 18-30! Join us Friday, May 17th at 7PM for a night full of friends, food, games and growing in our faith together! You can register below for the address! Invite your friends and we’ll see you there!

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Ladies' Tea Party
10:00 AM10:00

Ladies' Tea Party

Ladies, we will be having a special Tea Party in your honor on Saturday, May 11th at 10am at our Lithia Springs Campus! We will have special music, a guest speaker, incredible brunch and we always have fun! This is a free event, so invite your mom, sister, daughters and friends, but please help us prepare by registering below! We can’t wait to see you there! (Childcare under 5 years old will be available) REGISTRATION IS CLOSED

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